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October 17, 2020 - November 14, 2020 & January 30, 2021 - Joseph Vranas (Trumpet), Rebecca Olason (French Horn), Ric Becker (Trombone and Every Low Brass Instrument)

Black and White square headshot of Joseph Vranas holding a baton. Logo in the upper left. his name over dark blue bar, October 17, 2020 over light blue bar at the bottom.

Our student, Matteo, had a orchestra teacher who played trumpet. So Joseph Vranas came in. But the things I remember the most about this session is that Matteo couldn't call him anything exception "Mr. Joey"; and when it turned out Mr. Joey's mutes were in the shop, Jack not only filled in, but even more brilliantly, our student Sean pulled out his trumpet and did the perfect demonstration for us. It was so cool!

A black and white headshot of Rebecca Olason holding a French Horn.  The words French Horn appear in the upper left. The Inception logo is in the upper right. Her name is over a dark blue bar and October 24, 2020 is on a light blue bar at the bottom.

Musicians always refer musicians, and Mr. Joey referred us to Rebecca Olason on the French Horn. I knew nothing about her, but saw a couple of YouTubes of her playing. But here's what you miss watching the internet. Rebecca is a PHENOMENAL teacher. She came in prepared, she played the kids pieces perfectly on sight, she discussed all aspects of various horns... and for once, we didn't have to interject any questions. Rebecca just held court. We have her back every time there is an opportunity.


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