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February 13, 2021 - MB Gordy (Percussion)

MB Gordy stole my career. He bangs on stuff for a living. Not just drums. Oil cans. Turtle sculptures he's found in Thailand. Car coils. (I did that for Richard Adler's "A Lady Remembers" when I was in youth orchestra. No one remembers.) He uses plastic Easter eggs as egg shakers, rubber bouncy balls as mallets, and plastic tubing as a wind machine. In other words, any and all things he can make a sound with, he does. He has every possible noise maker and drum in his studio.

We first met MB. when we were trying to get his GRAMMY winning group, Opium Moon, to be featured on our Nov 7th virtual concert. That didn't work out, but it introduced us to MB. (Do check them out, they are pretty amazing. And their engineer, Lucas Fehring, became our engineer and a Board member.)

MB's demonstrations are fun and hilarious. Kids want to write for him all the time. He is just one of those guys you want to continue to work with whenever you can. He's played on our recording sessions, in person workshops, and mentored over zoom. Excellent every single time. I intend to take my career back at some point by finding something to bang on that he doesn't own.

A color headshot of MB sitting at his drumset holding his sticks and looking up at the camera. Inception logo in the right upper corner. His name over the dark blue bar. 2/13/21 & 4/17/21 are printed on the light blue bar on the bottom.

There's a great video on YouTube of what MB does from Just type in his name.


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